Useful Tools

The Naming Technique

When emotions are left unexpressed, they remain stuck inside the body and over time they build momentum. The more these emotions build, the more energy it takes to contain them and eventually, if left unexpressed, it can result in increased levels of tension, anxiety and stress, as well as anger that is often disproportionate to its source.

For example, flying into a rage because you drop a plate, rather than just cleaning up the mess with minimal fuss, or being annoyed all day because of something small that happened in the morning and letting it tarnish the rest of the day.

If you have a long-term pattern of unexpressed emotions, it is likely that you were:

A) Never taught what emotions are and how to identify/name them.


B) Not guided in how to express them fully or in a healthy, productive way.

This technique will allow you to begin:

1) Identifying the emotions you’re feeling

2) Expressing the cause of the emotion and speaking your truth

Emotions are our internal navigation system, they help us to identify our needs, especially when they’re not being met, as well as identifying when our boundaries are being crossed.

The stronger our relationship to our inner navigation system, the happier, calmer and more grounded we can be as we are able to live from a place of authenticity and feel free to express ourselves in a healthier way.

Download the naming technique and start to express your emotions and stepping into the truth of who you are.

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  • Small but powerful steps towards a life you love.

  • 3 life-enhancing tools that you can start now.  

  • Tips to overcome today's common life difficulties, to allow you to reclaim your power along the way! 

  • How you can begin living your life on purpose, so you can stop struggling and start enjoying the ride!

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