LYBL Consulting

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How Often Do You Allow Yourself To Receive?

Recently I started dating again.

It feels good to be in my true feminine essence as I open the door to meeting men again and the fun that comes with that journey.

I know what I’m looking for, what I desire and it’s really liberating to be in this space.

This weekend I’ve received two sets of gifts from men who just wanted to buy me gifts.

The gifts were so thoughtful and were based on things I’d told them I liked in our conversations.

They weren’t hints from me, or loaded expectations, we just chatted about the things we love/desire and what were throwaway comments from me, were remembered by them and delivered to me.

The reason I’m sharing is because it made me realise how much I’ve closed myself off to receiving in the past.

There’s something innately pleasurable about receiving ‘just because’ it feels good and yet, we close ourselves off to it because we think there’s going to be a price to pay.

So we play down our desires and pretend we don’t have any.

We tell ourselves we don’t want anything.

That it’s wrong to receive just for the fun of it.

We even tell ourselves we don’t need someone else to give things to us because maybe it’s weak or ‘bad’ to rely on others.

But this isn’t relying.

This is being in your power and worth and allowing yourself to receive from that place.

And that’s the difference.

If we think we don’t have any desires, we can’t receive.

We can’t allow the men/women/friends/family in our lives to do nice things for us, just because they want to.

Everything is energy and you can’t close your energy to the stuff you don’t want, but still be open for what you do want.

You’re either open to receiving or you’re not.

I used to feel so uncomfortable receiving, especially from men because I thought that’d mean I’d have to give something of myself in return.

Now I see this is total bullshit and a complete illusion.

No one and nothing has power over me - only the power that I choose to give away/allow them to take.

I never realised that the person giving the gift is experiencing their own version of pleasure as they see your joy at receiving the gifts they’ve carefully selected.

A simpler version of this is allowing someone to pay the bill for something. If they offer it’s because they want to. But we add so much meaning to this simple exchange that we stop it by rejecting it.

Or if someone gives you a compliment and you instantly reject it. Energetically that says “I’m not open to receiving & when I do receive, I will reject it”.

So because I’ve seen the illusion for what it is and embraced my truth that I actually love receiving, I’ve created two scenarios where I’ve received gifts. And I haven’t felt the need to do anything in return.

It’s totally liberating and a great feeling.

This isn’t a brag, it’s just my truth.

When I step into the space of receiving just for the pure fun and desire of it, it allows me to be open to unexpected pleasure from unexpected sources and that’s the stuff that adds colour and depth to my life.

How open are you to receiving?