LYBL Consulting

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5 Ways to Keep Your Vibe High During Lockdown

In this surreal lockdown induced world that we’re living in right now, it’s completely normal to feel confusion, frustration and on some level even a grieving process as we navigate the sudden changes that have been forced upon us.

We all understand why lockdown has happened, but knowledge alone isn’t always enough to make the day-to-day experiences and challenges any easier.

So how can you navigate lockdown and keep your vibe high?

Here are my top tips:

1) Keep Some Structure

It’s easy for routines to slip when we’re not feeling great, especially if the natural structure of your day isn’t the same or we’ve lost our sense of purpose or motivation. At these points it’s important to try and maintain some structure where possible. Planning the week ahead, thinking about what time you want to get up and go to sleep and some core activities that you’d like to do each day, will help to give you focus and routine.  Plan time for work, for fun, maybe even for afternoon naps if that’s what your body needs.

Celebrate when you manage to tick off some of your schedule and be kind to yourself if your routine doesn’t quite work out the way you’d planned.

Progress, not perfection!

2) Acknowledge Your Emotions

Acknowledging emotions gives them room to move through you, instead of being stuck inside you. Name the emotion out loud and then describe why you're feeling that way. Use The Naming Technique download to help.

Download it here

3) Plan for the future you want

Whether you perceive changes in your life to be positive or negative, the one thing that change does give us, is space for us to review the way we live our lives and any adjustments that we’d like to make.

Perhaps now is a good time to take a pause and reflect on how life has been - the good and not so good? Take time to think about what you want in your life, what you want to let go of and then decide what changes need to be made in order to create a new reality for yourself. 

A coach can help to support you with this route of inquiry for faster results, but this can be a really positive way to reclaim some of your power and start to move forwards with some purpose and momentum.

4) Breathe

Simple but SO important!

It’s the first thing that's most affected when we're anxious or stressed, yet it’s the quickest solution to reduce stress levels with minimum effort.

Breathe deep into your belly, filling your tummy like a balloon, expanding your ribs into your side body and continue until your lungs are full to the top.

Hold for a second or two and then, with control, exhale slowly and fully, pushing the air from your tummy first. Repeat for 3-5 minutes.

5) Dance

Put on your favourite high vibe song and move your body.  It's as simple as that. Moving the body shifts your energy and raises your vibration, so dance like no one is watching and do it often. Especially if you don’t really feel like it.