LYBL Consulting

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My Number 1 Time Saving Technique

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day?

You’ve got a task list as long as your arm, yet with each day that passes the list gets longer.

You wonder why you’re not getting more done and it's exhausting trying to stay afloat.

Not to mention your anxiety and stress levels are also through the roof.

So many of my clients have this issue.

The good news is there's a proven way to gain up to 2 extra hours each day and reduce your anxiety.


Put down your phone

Yes, you read that right.

Research suggests we spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes on our phones every day.

Think about that for a moment.

Imagine what you could do with 3 whole hours!

There’s also a direct link between our phone use and anxiety, so even more of a reason to change your habits.

I’m not suggesting you don’t ever use your phone again, because that’s unrealistic (and I definitely still use mine).

But if you know you mindlessly scroll and lose time, I'm suggesting you make your phone work FOR you, not against you.

By changing the way you use your phone, you can increase your productivity by up to 15%. You'll also improve your wellbeing at the same time.

So here’s some really simple changes you can make, to take back control of your screen time.

  1. Create a folder called “Energy Drainers” – insert all apps that zap your time and energy. (You already know which ones they are). Be honest with yourself and be ruthless. Put this folder on a separate screen, so that only the essential apps stay visible on your home screen.

  2. Switch off notifications. I don’t know about you, but lots of little notifications and numbers on apps, drives me insane. The simplest solution is to stop these by switching them off, so you have to go into the app to see what’s new. The saying “out of sight out of mind” applies here.

  3. Decide how much time you’re happy to give to your screen. Commit to it, plan it into your day 'consciously' and stick to it.

Then sit back and notice your anxiety and stress levels drop with all this extra time on your hands.

Time to:

  • Blast through that pesky to-do list.

  • Plan fun things to do and actually do them!

  • Schedule self care 'dates' so you can build your energy levels and feel more energised.

  • Impress your friends with how efficient and productive you are with all your extra free time.

It’s one simple change, but it’s made a huge impact in my life and the lives of the busy women I work with.

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

If you're serious about wanting to maximise your time and you want freedom from overwhelm, overthinking and stress, let's chat.