Love Notes

after the six sessions I felt so much more confident and ready to fully step into the next exciting chapter of my life!

I’d previously worked with Emma on various areas of my life, however we’d never explored romantic relationships.  When someone new unexpectedly came into my life, I knew that the time had come to face the fears I’d always pushed to the back of my mind.  I realise now that I never truly believed I would find or be able to trust anyone enough to get into a serious relationship with them, but because of the relationship I’d already built with Emma, I felt completely comfortable discussing all the things I wanted to work on, even things I had never spoken about to anyone before.

It was an area I was really worried about working on, but I knew it was essential to moving my life forwards and it has done just that. During my sessions, we worked through and reframed all the negative/unhelpful beliefs I’d created about myself regarding romantic relationships, and the goals we created at the end of the sessions gave me meaningful things to work on to progress me even further. I made so much progress in such a short space of time, and after the six sessions I felt so much more confident and ready to fully step into the next exciting chapter of my life.

I can’t thank Emma enough for always being so kind and supportive during and outside of my sessions, and her genuine love for what she does shines through. If there is any area of your life you want to change or improve, then Emma can definitely help. The difference the work we’ve done has made to my life and the changes she’s helped me make are incredible - I wouldn’t work with anyone else!  Thank you for everything as always, once again you’ve helped me change my life for the better, in a way I didn’t think was possible!


Without her help I wouldn’t have moved my work life forward the way I have.

Emma is compassionate, caring and professional, she really has your best interest at heart and wants to see you succeed and flourish. Emma has helped me to identify thoughts and feelings that have been holding me back. Without her help I wouldn’t have moved my work life forward the way I have.

Rachel T, UK

If you are at a crossroads in your life, get in touch with Emma

If you are at a crossroads in your life, get in touch with Emma. Arrange an introductory session and you'll see what a lovely person she is. You'll then discover from working with Emma just how open and insightful she is.

She'll let you come to your own conclusions and work with you to discover things about yourself that you didn't even realise were "a thing".

When I met Emma, emotionally I was all over the place. Emma got me on track and gave me things to think about. Those things definitely planted a seed, and within 6 months of working with Emma I'd ditched a job that was making me miserable and found one that makes going to work a pleasure.

I also have found myself in the happiest, healthiest (romantic) relationship of my life and I honestly don't think I'd be at this place, but for my work with Emma, resetting myself and getting in a good place. If you're thinking about investing in yourself... Do it.

Felicity C, UK

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey and only wish I had worked with Emma years ago."

"I joined Emma at what I now see as a pivotal time in my life. There had been major personal changes and my career was at a stand still, not knowing which way to turn nor having a clear vision of what I really wanted.

For some time I have played with the desire to start my own business, and be in control of my own destiny but I have never had the confidence to take the leap of faith to establish a business and go with my gut and do it. 

I have worked with Emma for a number of weeks now and we have really drilled down into the core issues.  I have a clear understanding of how my thought patterns and reactions to certain past events were keeping me locked in a perpetual cycle of inaction and I can now see that these were aiding and abetting in holding me back from achieving my goal. 

Emma used a number of exercises to draw out negative beliefs and whilst simplistic in their approach produced a dramatic reaction which have helped me to understand how they were impacting on my life and through this, I am now able (and excited) to be moving forward.

I would highly recommend Emma to everyone, whether you're looking to resolve career stagnation or concerns, or wanting to make the next step towards being independent and working for yourself.   Her methods are challenging, but coated with kindness and never losing the sensitivity required to let your soul speak out when ready.  

My sessions have given me the confidence to set up my own business and to know that it has a sound grounded basis to underpin it and a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey and only wish I had worked with Emma years ago."

June, UK

Emma’s talent for coaching is a valuable resource I can’t recommend enough!

"Emma helped talk me through a difficult relationship where I learned how to process my emotions and stop feeling like my feelings were holding me “ransom”. Emma’s way of listening and asking the right questions to walk me through a challenging situation is a lifelong lesson I will use again and again. Emma’s talent for coaching is a valuable resource I can’t recommend enough! She will leave you feeling empowered and positive – even in facing the most difficult situations in your life."

Kimberley, USA

Thank you so much!

"I just wanted to tell you good news... the work we did has worked! I've noticed a big difference to how I used to feel, it's amazing! Thank you so much!"

Jolanta, UK

I would highly recommend grabbing the opportunity to do this with both hands

"There were 2 or 3 moments during my coaching sessions where I felt absolute 'light bulb' moments had struck, an overwhelming sense of clarity, those moments where you feel the need to tell a handful of friends about something incredible that just happened.

Emma has a phenomenal ability to put you entirely at ease, to unwrap some tough topics, analyse and re-frame them entirely.  3 months on, I am still actively using her techniques to combat self limiting thoughts and actions.  Furthermore I feel empowered to tackle 'my wish list'  in such a way that I am less fearful of failure. I am hugely grateful that my path crossed with Emma's. I would highly recommend grabbing the opportunity to do this with both hands."


Julia, UK


Heidi, UK


If you want to make real changes to the way you feel, Emma's holistic and caring approach will give you the support you need to build the life you want to live

“Coaching with Emma gives you the skills and self-belief you need to make the decisions that will improve your relationship with yourself, others and the world around you.

Before I started working with Emma I was limited by my anxiety and lack of self-belief, which affected my personal and work life everyday. The biggest thing I got out of coaching was the ability to trust myself and my gut instinct along with my abilities as a person, to take ownership for what I can control and making changes where I choose to. 

Coaching with Emma has given me reduced pain, the ability to manage my anxiety, stress and pain by dealing with the root cause of the issues and this in turn, has made me feel that I am in control of my life, empowered, confident and able to ask for what I need. As a therapist/coach, Emma is kind, honest and supportive and really wants the best for her clients.

What I would say to anyone who is thinking of working with Emma is that if you want to make real changes to the way you feel, Emma's holistic and caring approach will give you the support you need to build the life you want to live. She doesn't just look at the surface level behaviours and thoughts, but works through the underlying beliefs with you which is where the big changes happen. These huge shifts in my mindset since working with Emma have had a really positive impact in all areas of my life.”

Chloe, UK

If you’re considering signing up for a package with Emma, do it! 

“After yet another romantic relationship breakdown, my parents suggested I see a Life Coach. Initially I dismissed the idea, but that seed was planted and after the initial free 30 minute Zoom call we got some sessions booked in.

I have really benefited from our sessions and whilst I haven't made earth shattering changes to my life (quitting my job and moving to Africa springs to mind) I have made a lot of small changes from our sessions which have really improved my life and happiness on a day to day basis.  I've also been forming a plan of attack for a new business and keeping an eye on how happy my job is making me.

The sessions with Emma get you thinking and certainly tap into your emotions. Something that you may say as a throwaway comment gets picked up by Emma so you can identify and go through it in greater detail. 

I've also got new coping strategies and an awareness up my sleeve - such as not responding to breakups by booking holidays and generally building a life that I don't need to run away from!

Most significantly, I am now in a relationship. As I've addressed the issues I've had in my head and had previously been bringing into relationships. I see this going somewhere, and have really put out into the Universe what I'd like to get back. 

On a personal level, Emma is wonderful, warm and caring. I saw Emma as a bit more of a professional friend than a Life Coach. Someone you can trust to give you impartial advice.
If you’re considering signing up for a package with Emma, do it!”

Felicity, UK

I feel so lucky to have benefited from Emma’s skills, knowledge and personal experiences to help me get where I am today

“When I first met Emma I was in a very low, dark place emotionally. Things had gone wrong at work, I was having difficulties with family relationships, was feeling completely overwhelmed by anxiety and unresolved grief of losing my Dad in childhood, and didn’t know how or if it was possible to overcome it and live my life again. Straight away Emma made me feel at ease and comfortable in her company. After just a few questions, I found myself opening up and talking about all the things I’d never felt able to say out loud before. I just felt an instant emotional connection and that somehow this person I’d only just met was going to be able to help - I didn’t know how but I trusted her.

Having someone to listen, completely without judgement, to how I was feeling, telling me it was ok to feel that way, instantly allowed me to be open and honest about everything. The process was never going to be quick, but Emma broke it down step by step and gave me the space to bring up whatever I needed to in our sessions, slowly going through and unpicking really challenging memories and emotions in a gentle way.

The changes she has helped me make have been phenomenal. I am a totally different person to where I was at the start of this journey. My confidence levels and self-esteem have improved massively, all because of how calm and (very) patient Emma has been with me trying to change negative beliefs that have held me back for years, into new, healthy ones. The way she has brought in some of her own experiences allowed me to feel completely understood and that I wasn't alone in how I was feeling helped so much.

Being able to contact her between sessions was like a lifeline to me at times, always knowing Emma was at the other end of a phone for extra support or just a friendly ear to listen to my struggles made a big difference. There are moments I honestly don’t know how I would have got through without her guidance and encouragement helping me see the way forward. Her kindness and coaching skills have been invaluable to me, and I now have methods and tools she has given me to use and help myself if I ever need to.

I'm now going to do all the things I've held myself back from doing - that trip to Canada will happen! I can’t thank Emma enough for helping me see my own potential and that anything is possible if you’re brave enough to go out and get it, and I’m not going to let anything stop me achieving my dreams. I’m so grateful for meeting Emma when I did, I’m sure I wasn’t easy to work with at the beginning, but we persevered and I feel so lucky to have benefited from Emma’s skills, knowledge and personal experiences to help me get where I am today - thank you!”

Heidi L, UK

I really do believe this coaching will let me live my best life!

Coaching with Emma has given me the tools to feel confident and comfortable dealing with my anxiety and ensuring that I am able to become strong and resilient to the anxious thoughts. Emma is warm and encouraging so I always feel safe sharing the issues is on my mind. I really do believe this coaching will let me live my best life!

Sophie H, UK